Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Torchwood 2000 on Representation

Image result for lgbt characters doctor who

Why is greater diverse representation important? 🧐💬
In 2020, I think all of us are more aware of how important representation is in creating an inclusive and tolerant society. In my gap year I worked in the Diversity & Inclusion industry, and began to learn first-hand why it's necessary, and not 'over-the-top politically correct'. We need to open the doors of the fan film community to everyone, and that means we need to become more aware of our own personal biases. As a person, I was shaped and moulded as a person having been inspired by other fan films I watched at a young age. The community is far more important than any of us may realise.

The majority of fan films online are very male dominated, and either don't represent women, or don't represent them well. The 'dependent female' protagonist is an archetype which many fan film makers are guilty of... So, on the Torchwood 2000 team, we've proactively ensured our characters are individually empowered and equally reliant on each other, doing away with the 'damsel in distress' archetype. It would be really great to see more fan films do this too, and it's okay to ask for advice from others on how to do this. We need more female representation to inspire more female fan film creators!

Let's inspire the next generation of fan film makers! ✊⛳
We need greater diverse representation in our community - ethnic representation and LGBT representation being the other two categories severely lacking from the fan film community, both of which we're going to achieve and innovate with for Torchwood 2000. You can do the same! Fly the flag for diversity, widen your target audience!

This isn't about being 'politically correct' or 'woke' - it's about welcoming everyone into our community and inspiring a wider range of people to do the same. It doesn't mean you have to start from a point of "right, let's represent", it means; create your story, then ensure it's diverse. You'll find your story becomes a lot more interesting and innovative when that happens!

Why it's important to me. 👨‍🎓🏳️‍🌈
Representation is more than diversity quotas, it's about creating role-models for our viewers (and, there are always more than we think!). I for one was in desperate need of more diverse role-models growing up, and at the time there were very few beyond the incredible Captain Jack Harkness, without whom, I don't know where I'd be. Let's all play our part in delivering greater diversity in the fan film community, and bring in more fan film makers from every demographic.

~Callum, Admin

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